IVA's Admission Process
Due to an overwhelming interest and limited space in IVA's program, we conduct a random lottery drawing in the spring to determine the following year's incoming 6th-grade class and the order of the waitlist. A lottery will also be held to fill open seats in 7th grade and 8th grade classes and to place applicants on the waitlist.
IVA's lottery is a live and online event, anyone is welcome to attend. Whether or not you attend, all applicants will receive notice of the results within 10 school days of the lottery.
2024-2025 Lottery
This year's lottery was be held on April 12, 2024. Lottery results were emailed to all participants on April 17, 2024. You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to check your position on our waitlist.
General applicant and acceptance numbers are listed in the table below:
Lottery Videos
You can view the 6th grade lottery for the 2024-2025 academic year on our YouTube page or by clicking this link.
You can view the 7th & 8th grade lottery for the 2024-2025 academic year on our YouTube page or by clicking this link.
How Does the Lottery Work?
Applications received between the December application opening and the March application deadline are entered into the Lottery. All applications turned in after the deadline are entered onto the waitlist in first come, first served order.
Tokens: IVA awards 3 possible tokens to applicants:
- 1 token for applying
- 1 token for LBUSD residence
- 1 token for elementary attendance area eligibility or individually qualifies for free or reduced price meals
*Eligibility for assigned elementary school is determined by the school having 55% or higher rate of students eligible for Free or Reduced price meals (FRL).
List of LBUSD schools eligible:
Addams Alvarado Barton Birney Bryant |
Burbank Chavez Dooley Edison Garfield |
Grant Harte Herrera Hudson King |
Lafayette Lincoln Mann McKinley Muir |
Powell Oropeza Robinson Roosevelt Signal Hill |
Bobbie Smith Stevenson Webster Whittier Willard |
Lottery Process
- Each non-exempt student whose application is received by the March deadline will be entered into the lottery.
- The following students will be exempt from the lottery
- currently enrolled students
- siblings of currently enrolled IVA students
- children of staff
- At the 2pm Lottery, Grade 7 will be selected first, followed by Grade 8.
We anticipate the first lottery will conclude by 3:00PM. - The 6th Grade Lottery will begin at 3:00PM and is anticipated to run up to two hours.
- Please note: families need not be present at the lottery in order to receive a spot in the school.
- Token numbers will be emailed to applicants before the lottery, and lottery results will be sent within 10 days of the lottery.
- Families with multiple siblings applying to the same grade level (not one of whom is a currently enrolled IVA student) are given the option to enroll as a family unit or as individuals. If a family unit is drawn during the regular admission, the linked sibling will win the next available spot.
- When the available grade level spots are filled, the lottery will continue to form the order of the waitlist
- Applicants applying after the March deadline will be added to the waitlist after all lottery participants.
- Please direct any questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call our office at 562-912-7017.
Enrollment Complaint Process
California Education Code (EC) Section 47605(d)(4) allows a parent or guardian to submit a complaint to the charter school authorizer when a charter school discourages a pupil's enrollment, requires records before enrollment, or encourages a pupil to disenroll.
Información sobre la lotería:
Las solicitudes recibidas entre el comienzo del proceso de solicitud en Diciembre y el final del proceso en Marzo, entrará en la lotería. Solicitudes recibidas después del Marzo, entraran en la lista de espera.
La lotería del séptimo y octavo grado empieza a las 2:00 pm y la lotería del sexto grado empieza a las 3:30 pm.
Fichas: IVA asignara 3 fichas por solicitante:
- Una ficha por su solicitud
- Una ficha por vivir entre el distrito de Long Beach
- Una fichar por elegibilidad del área escolar
*Escuelas primarias que califican tienen a 55% o más estudiantes que califican para almuerzo gratis or reducido.
Lista de escuelas que califican en el distrito de Long Beach:
Addams Alvarado Barton Birney Bryant |
Burbank Chavez Dooley Edison Garfield |
Grant Harte Herrera Hudson King |
Lafayette Lincoln Mann McKinley Muir |
Powell Oropeza Robinson Roosevelt Signal Hill |
Bobbie Smith Stevenson Webster Whittier Willard |
Nuestra lotería incluye las siguientes preferencias:
- Estudiantes actuales students (exentos de la lotería)
- Hermanos/as de estudiantes actuales (exentos de la lotería)
- Hijos/as de maestros de IVA (exentos de la lotería)
El del día de la Lotería:
- A las 2 pm, se seleccionará el séptimo grado.
- La lotería del octavo grado seguirá inmediatamente después.
- Anticipamos que la lotería de séptimo y octavo grado terminara a las 3:00 pm.
- La lotería del sexto grado comenzará a las 3:00 pm. Anticipamos que se tarde 2 horas.
- No es requerido que las familias estén presente en el evento para recibir un espacio en la escuela
Proceso de la Lotería:
- Los números de ficha se enviarán por correo electrónico a los solicitantes antes de la lotería, y los resultados de la lotería se enviarán dentro de los 10 días posteriores a la lotería.
- Las familias con varios hermanos que solicitan el mismo nivel de grado (ninguno de los cuales es un estudiante de IVA actualmente inscrito) tienen la opción de inscribirse como unidad familiar o como individuos. Si se extrae una unidad familiar durante la admisión regular, el hermano vinculado ganará el próximo lugar disponible.
- Cuando se llenen los lugares de nivel de grado disponibles, la lotería continuará formando el orden de la lista de espera.
- Los solicitantes que presenten su solicitud después de la fecha límite de marzo se agregarán a la lista de espera después de todos los participantes de la lotería.
- Dirija cualquier pregunta a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. o llame a nuestra oficina al 562-912-7017.
Proceso de quejas de inscripción
La Sección 47605(d)(4) del Código de Educación de California (EC) permite que un padre o tutor presente una queja al autorizador de la escuela chárter cuando una escuela chárter desalienta la inscripción de un alumno, requiere registros antes de la inscripción o alienta a un alumno a cancelar la inscripción.