Attendance and Independent Study

Maintaining positive attendance is the first step toward school success.  The bullet points below list some of the key points from IVA's Attendance and Independent Study Policies.  You may click on the links at the bottom of the page to review the full policies. 

Please review this handout for guidance regarding when it's appropriate to send your child to school with minor illness.

Key Points from Attendance and Independent Study Policies

  • Any unexcused absence is considered a truancy. Each week IVA will send weekly truancy letters for any unexcused absences.
  • Excessive truancies in a school year (3 or more) may result in additional supports such as an administrator conference, an attendance contract, or referral to a Student Attendance Review Board.
  • Guardians may excuse an absence by calling the office, writing a note, or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Common excused absence reasons are personal illness or doctor’s appointments. A guardian may excuse an absence for personal illness or medical appointment up to ten times in a school year. After ten absences, a doctor’s note is required.
  • Most “personal” absence reasons are not excusable, including vacation. Please review the IVA Attendance Policy for a full list of justifiable personal excuses.
  • Guardians may opt into Independent Study anytime their student will be absent, up to fourteen cumulative days per school year. Independent Study requires a guardian to sign a contract before the absence and requires the student to complete work while they are away from school. This is strongly suggested for absences that will be three or more days.

Attendance Policy

Independent Study Policy