IVA Faculty

Sarah Marsh


Mathematics Teacher

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Sarah Marsh teaches 8th grade Literature and Composition at IVA.  Before staying home with her five (yes, five!) children, Mrs. Marsh taught in Paramount Unified as a 9th grade English teacher and curriculum specialist.  During her hiatus from full-time teaching, she kept her foot in the door through teaching adult school, supervising student teachers, and substituting at IVA.  She holds a California Clear Credential in English, and has a Masters in Education with a curriculum emphasis.

"I'm glad to at last be a part of the IVA family.  The commitment to raising good thinkers and, more importantly, good people has been a personal endeavor of mine; I've tried it out on my guinea pigs (also known as my children), and I'm eager to put it into practice in the IVA classrooms.  There is so much to learn and do and investigate in this beautiful world of ours, and so much that we can easily miss if we're not paying attention. Curiosity, attentiveness, and carefulness make life so much richer, and I hope for rich lives for all the young people I encounter."