IVA Faculty

Linh Phan

b_348_464_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Phan_Linh.jpgScience Teacher

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Many years ago, when Linh was an undergraduate student with little idea of what to do after college, he saw a flier that read “Volunteer at local schools! Free Pizza!” Although he originally only went for the pizza, the meeting redirected Linh towards a meaningful path of teaching. At UC San Diego, he went on to earn an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and a masters degree in science education. He has years of experience from working in K-12 schools in San Diego, LA County, Orange County, and in places as far away as Beijing, China. His favorite part of the job is helping students grow and develop into the people they are capable of becoming. Outside of school hours, you can probably find Linh playing basketball, making music, or walking somewhere out in nature.

"I am grateful to work at IVA, a learning environment that promotes a love for learning and self-actualization. Furthermore, I believe that IVA advocates the skills, habits, and virtues that are needed to consciously participate in the beautiful, but complicated world that we live in today."